Thursday, March 1, 2007

:: About Practical ::


->Practical is incorporated by a group of graphic designers graduating during the 90's with experience in professional and educational graphic design. The aim is to employ the constructive idea and design skill in response to the social and cultural elements to show that their design is valuable in terms of utility and beauty.

The company is involved with two areas of work as follows:

->Visual Communication Design & Consulting
;; Practical Visual Studio ::
Our focus is to respond to the need for Communication design work in the society, in terms of organization and business through the professional experience. Our key work are research, preparation, reasonable and responsibility as the role of designer to represent the valuable of Visual Communication Design in terms of aesthetics and practicability.

-> Product design division under the "Practical™" trademark.
:: Practical™ ::
It is the product of daily life with focus as graphic design made into such product. Research and development has made the graphic work interesting and applicable. The product is also classified as creative products with cooperation provided from professional designers and young designers.

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